I'm Back!
I sure have missed all of you followers (if we still even have any). I actually have really missed blogging. It just has been a little low on my totem poll with all my things going on. I am setting some personal goals for myself this year and blogging is back on as one of them! I hope to be blogging regularly and sharing what we are doing in our class.
Like Heather said, last year was one of the roughest years I have had in a long time. But one of the best things about teaching is that we get a fresh start every year. There really aren't very many professions that have that luxury.
We have been in school a little over 2 weeks and things are going so wonderfully! I am absolutely in love with my class!
This week we are studying maps! One of the first things that I like to teach is Cardinal Directions. I use the Dr. Jean song about directions. Then we create a compass rose that they get to cut and paste and then color beautifully! For being such slackers last year, I am giving this away for free! Hope you enjoy it and can use it in your classroom!
See you soon!